Paper Recycling in Europe

Europe is now the global leader in paper recycling. The continent’s paper recycling rate has doubled over the last 15 years, and has now reached 71.5%, primarily due to significant investment by European paper industries themselves.

Now environmental awareness has increased, since the latter half of the 20th century, the value of recycling paper has also increased. Businesses around the globe have recognized that recycling is both ecologically and economically sound. Recovered paper is now seen as a vital raw material for paper production.

Energy Use
Already, 55% of the energy used by the European paper industry is “bio-energy.” Bioenergy is energy derived from biological material (in this case, wood and wood pulp). In essence, it is the utilization of solar energy that has been bound up in this biological material during the process of photosynthesis. It is a renewable energy source.

The European paper industry uses residues and waste materials from the pulping process to provide energy for the manufacturing process itself. Any excess heat and power that is produced is then sold to the grid or used by the local community.

What’s Next for Europe?
How to recycle new energy from recycled paper?Stay tuned.

It is worth mentioning that the pallets are made by recycled paper.

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